Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Handling Your E-mail

I just received a great e-mail from Microsoft about handling e-mail.  They are four great points that stood out.  When we receive e-mail we can (1) delete it, (2) handle it right away, (3) pass it on for someone else to handle it or (4) handle it at a later time.  Bottom line is that you have to have a plan to handle your e-mail or it will overwhelm you. 

One thing I have done is create an e-mail folder to handle e-mails that I will pick away at throughout the day as I get a chance.  This is a great place to put e-mails that you are not sure what to do with yet. Whatever you choose to do, have a plan to deal with all the e-mails you are getting. Remember never reply to spam.  It will generate lots of unwanted e-mail.  By the way, here is the Microsoft E-mail article link.

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