Saturday, December 27, 2008

Is Your Wireless Secure

I just finished reading an article a while ago about wireless security and I remembered that many people I have taught were not aware that a wireless router needs to be secured.  By secure, I mean that in order to access your Internet connection, you are required to enter a password to access it.  As a business, an unsecured wireless connection can be an entry point by others to your Internet as well as your network.  Imagine others accessing your customer information and then think of the Privacy Act.  Get the picture.

When a wireless router is setup, it needs to be password protected so that others can not gain access to that wireless network or your computer information.  When you want to access the wireless network, you have to use a password.  After that, if you want, you can save the settings so that you can automatically connect to the Internet next time. 

If others can use your network, you could be held accountable for what others do on your wireless network.  Information could also be accessed.  So if you are not sure if your wireless is secure or not, check with a computer tech and find out.  This is too important to put off.

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