Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Copy Text To Another Location Using Ctrl Key

Instead of using the Copy command from the Edit drop down menu located in the Menu Bar, you can use the Ctrl key on your keyboard. This is a faster way of copying text to another location.

Here is how it works:

  1. Highlight the text you want to duplicate or copy somewhere else.
  2. Position the mouse pointer in the highlighted text area.
  3. Hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and press down and hold the left mouse button.
  4. Drag the copy of the text to the location you want.
  5. Release the left mouse button and then release the Ctrl key on the keyboard.
  6. The text is copied to the new location.
Foe more info check out my web site at .

Adding a Task To your Outlook 2007 Calendar

One of the coolest features of Outlook 2007 is the ability to drag a task from the Task Module and drop it onto the Calendar Module button so that you can add it to your Calendar easily.

Here is how it works: click on a task and hold down on the left mouse button. Drag the task to the left side of the Outlook Navigation Pane and drop in right onto the Calendar Module button. When you do this, an appointment screen will appear and you can set the date and time to see the task completed. This makes keeping track of tasks and finish times easy. Try it yourself.

For more info check out my web site at .

Monday, February 16, 2009

Using E-mail Signatures

E-mail signatures are a great way of getting all the information someone needs to get a hold you you.  For example, say you send an E-mail off to someone and you want them to call you.  Why would not you include your phone number with your signature, especially if you are a business.

As a business, I do not want a client to have to go digging through a phone book to find my phone number.  In my signature, I include the following:

Jeff Brown (my web site address)

(902)555-2600 (my phone number - not real in this case) (my E-mail address 0 - never take it for granted)

Having all this information in front of someone helps them contact you faster. And when it comes to a busy day, I appreciate people that help me get things done faster.

So think about using a signature in your E-mail.  I have even put one on my Blackberry.  Make it professional looking.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The One Thing

What is the One Thing that you did early this morning that will move your business ahead?  You should do something that will really matter for your business and you should do it first thing if you can.

We get bogged down throughout the day and our strength weakens as the day progresses.  Calls come it, people want us for this and that, we have to go places and such.  But what was it that needed to be done that would actually matter in your business?  Success comes as we do this each day.

For me it was putting this thought out to you.  I train people and businesses most of the day on computers.  I believe it is important to matter in this world.  Helping others first helps my business greatly.

So before you get lost in the clutter of the day, do something that will help your business grow.  Sometimes this is the hard phone call that you have been putting off; other times it is connecting with others and helping them out.

Make sure you plan your day before it plans you. is my web site.  Any thoughts about the material on the site, please pass the comments on.  Have a great day.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Using Windows 7

It's been busy here with the loading on Windows 7 on my Toshiba laptop.  I have been putting it off for a month since I knew how much work it would take to reload all my software back in again.

It's been a while, over a year, since my last clean install and the laptop was showing signs that it needed a fresh start.  With a friends help, the install went fine and I must say that windows 7 looks and responds great.

I have heard it said that the Windows 7 beta is better out of the box than Windows Vista now.  So far so good. Windows 7 grabbed all the driver's it needed with little input from me at all.  I think that businesses will like this OS.  Now it's time to put windows 7 to the test along with 2.5 million others.  So far Microsoft, my hat is off to you.  Keep up the good work.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Switching Web Site Design Program

I have been putting it off for a while, but I finally made the switch to Adobe Dreamweaver CS4.  I liked using Microsoft Expression Web, but it was time to learn to use Dreamweaver.

Expression Web is a nice web site design tool and it is fairly easy to use.  Now it's time to see what Adobe Dreamweaver can do for my web site to take it to the next level.

When you make the switch, there's always new skills to learn.  If you don't change every now and then, your skills will grow stagnant.  The basics are the same for both Expression Web and Dreamweaver since code is still code.  What's different is the built in extras that enable you to write some code and layout graphics easier.  That's what I am trying to learn.  If you are using Dreamweaver, lease drop me a line.  I can be found on Twitter as Alpha_Computer or you can email me at  I would love to hear form you.

Here's a quick tip for you: when you are switching over to another program make sure you back up your files first.  Sometimes things can go horribly wrong. Having backed up files can take the frustration out of the picture.  Have a great day and keep your head up.  Opportunity is always near by if we can recognize it.